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Through our S.T.A.B.L.E. Program, we provide organizing and advocacy training, political education, leadership development, housing, and wraparound programming and support for formerly incarcerated Black women who are returning to their communities and are living in the S.T.A.B.L.E. house or in the community.  We developed the program specifically to meet the needs of impacted Black women.


Each woman’s 12-month program consists of six S.T.A.B.L.E. levels and focuses on preparing for employment and/or business ownership. The housing, food, physical and mental health, and related wraparound supports initiated at the start of the 12-month program are ongoing. S.T.A.B.L.E. consists of the following:

S: Stabilize through obtaining and retaining STABLE housing:

►assignment of an individual case manager, employment coach, AA/NA sponsor, and mentor;

►assessment of housing, employment, clothing, food, legal ID, and other needs;

►preliminary health assessment and referrals;

►a food and nutrition course and a physical wellness curriculum;

►financial literacy training;

►mothering-after-incarceration classes and support groups;

►credit rebuilding and home buying preparation;

►participant selection of a specialized skill area (employment and/or business ownership) and start of intensive training;

T: Take off by securing employment:

►work readiness training program;

►two-month course in intermediate technology;

►assignment of a mentor in their selected field;

►guidance applying for a job;

►a weekly community organizing and advocacy academy, and work in the community;

►connection to the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) program;

A: Advance by mastering their skill levels:

►assistance with job placement, ongoing skills training, and specialized job certifications;

►enrollment in GED, college, or college prep programs;

B: Blooming into entrepreneurship/job advancement:

►hands-on entrepreneurship training with an experienced business owner mentor, and/or management-level mentoring on workforce advancement;

L: Leveling up to owning their own small business/advancing in the workforce:

►continued mentoring, internships, and skills development; 

E: Excel:

►program graduation


Transition Support:

►monthly STABLE Alumni meetings;

►support for the two years post-graduation; and

►access to their career employment coach, AA/NA sponsor, and, through the Barred Business Network, Black women mentors, including those who identify as LBTQIA+. 

Barred Business is a membership based organization founded to help formerly incarcerated people who are disproportionately affected by the US legal system.




477 Windsor Street

Suite 204/204 A
Atlanta, Georgia 30312



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